喜讯 | 我司设计作品荣获2023伦敦设计大奖最高奖 — 金奖!
来源:陕西永盛海润装饰设计工程有限责任公司 | 更新时间:2023-11-27 | 浏览次数:772

2023年11月,我司设计作品【西安如苑餐厅会所】,从全球众多优秀作品中脱颖而出,荣获2023伦敦设计大奖最高奖 — 金奖!

近日,2023伦敦设计奖London Design Awards









金 奖

伦敦设计奖(London Design Awards)是全球最具影响力的国际设计竞赛,由BETTER FUTURE主办。奖项涵盖产品设计、建筑设计、室内设计、UX/UI设计、包装设计、概念设计等类别。旨在表彰全球杰出的设计和创新项目,同时为业内人士带来最新的创作灵感和前瞻的设计理念。此次荣获伦敦设计大奖的最高奖,充分展现出我司卓越的艺术审美和设计创新能力。


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▲【西安如苑餐厅会所】-  获奖证书



Xi'an Ruyuan Restaurant & Club is located in the Youth Park on Ning'an Road in the Qujiang New District of Xi'an, China. The project's design draws inspiration from poetry to create an aesthetic space. Designers utilize methods such as deconstruction and evolution to extract classical elements from traditional art and distill the essence of both Eastern and Western art. The result is a space that embodies a pure, natural, and picturesque way of life, seamlessly combining functions like tea rooms, dining, and cultural exchanges. It offers a tranquil oasis within a bustling city.


Upon entering the entry hall, one is immediately struck by the meticulous design that deftly employs deconstruction and evolutionary techniques to reconfigure the spatial layout. The employment of sturdy materials such as stone, stainless steel, and art paint imbues the space with an air of elegant Chinese romanticism. Notably, a distinctive water feature, reflecting shimmering ripples, conveys the designer's vision to the outside world.

An array of ancient-style artworks adorns the area, enhancing its cultural richness. Graceful branches, ink-splashed landscapes, and the overall expressive spatial atmosphere seamlessly infuse every nook and cranny with a tranquil and harmonious ambiance. This imparts a natural and rustic aesthetic to the space, further enhancing its overall appeal.



Walking through the corridor, the designers use a minimalist and deconstructive design approach. They blend the layout of the space, artistic installations, colors, and the way light and shadow interact to create a naturally comfortable and poetic atmosphere. The rhythmic ceiling design, the textures in the space, and the subtle red tones, along with soft overhead lighting, give the whole area a sense of formality and mystery.

At this moment, the timeless essence of Eastern design combines harmoniously with modern elegance. It strikes a delicate balance that brings about feelings of calmness and freedom, evoking the beauty of connecting the past with the present.



Upon entering the private dining room, the designer uses warm yellow lighting to create a comfortable and gentle ambiance. The use of art paint and stone materials on the ceiling and walls imparts an understated yet elegant ambiance to the space. The harmonious integration of natural elements, gentle illumination, and the inclusion of traditional Chinese furniture and artworks combine to create an inviting and romantic atmosphere that envelops the entirety of the room.



Indulging in tea, sipping beverages, listening to music, and socializing with friends...



Enriched with artistic expression and a touch of Zen, it brings tranquility amid the city's hustle and elegance amidst the chaos. Like a captivating northern lights display, it leaves a lasting impression on all who experience it.

项目名称 | 西安如苑餐厅会所

项目面积 | 1000㎡

项目地点 | 陕西省西安市曲江新区宁安路青年公园

设计单位 | 陕西永盛海润装饰设计&久筑见空间设计

主案设计 | 王暹 史强

项目造价 | 400万